Real Carers Real Stories – Faten

photo of Faten

Video duration 0:22
I am always talking to my friends about Carer Gateway and how wonderful it is. I still use them and it is such a comfort to know that it is always there. Thank you Carer Gateway.

Faten, originally from Bangladesh, cares for her mum Nurun, aged 87. Nurun has a physical disability and requires ongoing care. Faten’s caring responsibilities include helping Nurun with personal care, dressing, rehabilitation exercises, and social activities.

Faten felt it was her responsibility as a daughter to help her mother as she aged. 

Faten thought she was not eligible for help with her caring role as she believed services would only be available to Australian citizens. That is until one of her friends suggested she contact Carer Gateway. 

Carer Gateway was able to provide help to Faten immediately. She received a tailored support package and access to respite care.

‘Carer Gateway was wonderful. Not only did they help me understand the system and provide advice about nursing homes, they rang me every month to check how I was coping.’

Eventually Nurun needed more care than what could be provided at home and Faten was able to assist Nurun to move into a residential aged care facility. Carer Gateway provided advice to Faten about the process to access aged care and link her to other government services.

‘I was overwhelmed with gratitude,’ said Faten. ‘I did not know how I would be able to afford a nursing home. I was so unfamiliar with the social security system here in Australia.’

Faten still cares for her mother but in a more supported way, making it much easier. 

‘I visit my mother every day to interpret for her as she does not speak English, to help with her medications, and to feed her which can take up to an hour,’ said Faten.

‘But it is so much better for me now. I know Carer Gateway is there to help me when I need it. It is such a caring service and I always felt people cared about my health and well-being. The practical help and support were the best, especially the information about respite care.’ 

Faten was particularly impressed by the level of cultural sensitivity displayed by Carer Gateway. 

‘Danielle at Carer Gateway knew everything about our culture so was able to really help me in ways that showed understanding. It was very, very nice to be respected in this way.

‘I am always talking to my friends about Carer Gateway and how wonderful it is. I still use them and it is such a comfort to know they are always there. Thank you Carer Gateway.’

View the full Real Carers Real Stories – In Their Own Words Digital Exhibition

Faten’s real life story in Arabic

Faten’s real life story in Turkish

Faten’s real life story in English

Listen to audio files of Faten's story

Real Carers Real Stories - Faten's Story - Arabic (MP3 11.8MB)

Real Carers Real Stories - Faten's Story - Turkish (MP3 9MB)

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