Real Carers Real Stories – Sylvia

photo of Sylvia

Video duration 0:22
Video duration 0:20
It’s not selfish to take care of myself because I must be able to pace myself, to balance my self-care, so that I can be really there to help my daughter, especially when she is sick.

Syliva cares for her 21-year-old daughter who was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder at the age of 16. Sylvia’s daughter relies on her for emotional support.

Sylvia first heard of Carer Gateway when she was searching for help to support her in caring for her daughter. As a mother, she had always focused on her daughter’s happiness and well-being.

At the time, her local council helped her access Carer Gateway for counselling and support.

When her daughter recently experienced a mental health episode, Sylvia found she could lean on Carer Gateway for support with her own mental health.

‘I did everything I could to help her restabilise. I took her to her medical appointments and supported her during her hospitalisation. I read up on borderline personality disorder and did what the books told me such as provide emotional support and to provide the tools for my daughter to cope.’

‘But I knew I needed help and that it was okay to acknowledge this. I never saw my mother ask for help and that it is why it is so important that I can be a positive role model for my daughter, showing her that you can ask and receive help.’

Sylvia’s mantra is ‘self-care is key’ and Carer Gateway played a major role in helping her realise this. The coaching service offered through Carer Gateway provided support for Sylvia.

‘It’s not selfish to take care of myself because I must be able to pace myself, to balance my self-care so I can be really there to help my daughter, especially when she is sick.’

Sylvia also signed up for an online chat group. Although they do not meet in person, the group chat allows Sylvia to feel supported and connected to others who are dealing with similar challenges.

Sylvia found Carer Gateway to be a caring, helpful and informative resource.

‘I highly recommend Carer Gateway as a source of quality support that offers great resources.

‘It’s okay to seek help and Carer Gateway is there when you need it.’

View the full Real Carers Real Stories – In Their Own Words Digital Exhibition

Sylvia’s real life story in Arabic

Sylvia’s real life story in Croatian

Sylvia’s real life story in Greek

Sylvia’s real life story in Italian

Sylvia’s real life story in English

Listen to audio files of Sylvia's story

Real Carers Real Stories - Sylvia's Story - Croatian (MP3 7.,3MB)

Real Carers Real Stories - Sylvia's Story - Greek (MP3 8.6MB)

Real Carers Real Stories - Sylvia's Story - Italian (MP3 8.1MB)

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